
common throughout Europe and Asia, the red squirrel is now rare
in Britain and is considered an endangered species here. A possible
cause for its decline is the destruction of its woodland habitat and competition
for food with its larger relative the grey squirrel. Red squirrels
are found in forests. Here they are tree-living and they nest in
a ball of twigs and leaves built in branches or fork of a tree.
This home is called a drey. They feed mainly on tree seeds,
but will eat bark, insects or flowers and can live up to five years.
A bat is a mammal and there are 16 species of
bat living in Britain. The most common species of bat
is the pipistrelle. They are also our smallest bat-
with wings folded they fit into a matchbox! Bats leave their
roost (the place that they hang upside down and sleep!) at
dusk to hunt for flying insects. They find their
food by echo-location. Most bats feed in and around woodland,
or other places like lakes and rivers where insects can be
found. The pipistrelle can be found in our gardens and around
street lights but not in the cold winter months as, like other
bats, this is when they sleep (hibernate), only waking up when
spring arrives.

Guess first,
then pass over the questions to see the answers!
That bats call out and the echoes bounce
back from objects, so helping the bat locate where the objects
