Umbongo Eco Detectives

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The eight Um Jungle Patrol ambassadors had a really wild time when they were invited to London Zoo to meet TV wildlife expert Chris Packham.

Chris, who helped make wildlife come alive for millions of viewers of the Really Wild Show, is patron of the Um Jungle Patrol. To reward the ambassadors for all their hard work in helping to launch the Um Jungle patrol, Chris gave them and their families a guided tour of the monkey house, elephant compound, hippos’ home, and penguin pool, plus a very close up look at a tarantula!

Katie Strong, aged 11, of Warminster, who represents the South West of the country, summed up everyone’s feeling when she said: “It has been a superb day out and a real treat to see the animals so close. Although the elephants, hippos and tigers were exciting, it was just as much fun in the insect house. We saw ants, locusts, and an amazing glass case full of all the different flies which can live in your home!”

Katie added: "Coming to the Zoo is a great way of seeing how conservation can help threatened animals.”

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